Having thought about it for quite a while I have decided to call my book 'Is This You?' It is, after all, what this blog would have been called if someone else hadn't already taken it as a name.
It's my Mum's Birthday today and while she doesn't read this (partly because she doesn't know I am writing a book and partly because she doesn't know how to use a computer) I still feel it is appropriate to wish her many congratulations.
This blog is the story of a quest I began in 2006. A quest to find one man. One man who looks exactly like another man. The Man. It'll be a book one day. Probably quite soon if I get my act together. Anyway, on to the important stuff. I would love to hear from you if:
(a) You have seen The Man
(b) You have press enquiries
(c) You just want to say hi
(d) You think I'm hot (females only).
Just send me an email or follow me on twitter. I'll buy a pint for my first ten followers. That's a pint each by the way. Asking ten people to share a pint would be selfish of me. Not to mention slightly unhygienic.